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The title of an article published by Varsity, a magazine created by students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong sums it up nicely. While many members of the South Asian community were born and brought up in Hong Kong or have adopted the Hong Kong lifestyle, it seems that they are still treated as outsiders in the place they call "home".

Race and ethnicity have been issues widely discussed in Western societies such as the UK, Europe and Australia, but in the context of Hong Kong, while considerable media attention has been given to these communities in recent years, there is still much to be done in regards to understanding and addressing the needs of ethnic minorities.

Various researchers and organizations have conducted their own surveys and studies, which have shown that almost all members of ethnic minorities have faced unfair treatment at some point in their lives and often struggle with issues regarding identity and power, especially in terms of education and job opportunities.


"Locals who are not considered local"

Emily Tang, Amanda Chan, Sophia To, Yolanda Chan
LCOM3001: Cultural dimensions of language and communication
School of English, The University of Hong Kong

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